Knowledge Assistant for a European Institution

Conversational Data
Public Sector

Knowledge Assistant for a European Institution

Client's Challenge

  • Our clients, two key European institutions, were flooded with an overwhelming amount of data.
  • Accessing and managing critical information in real-time was like finding a needle in a haystack, taking forever.
  • Operating in a super-sensitive area, they needed 100% secure solutions, making off-the-shelf products from big tech giants a no-go.

Our Solution & Impact

  • We developed a tailor-made Knowledge Assistant, revolutionizing how these institutions retrieve, analyze, and make informed decisions.
  • Our Knowledge Assistant undergoes a training phase to master your data, learning complex terms and specific contexts from your domain (biomedical, legal, e-commerce, etc.).
  • It combines advanced natural language understanding with innovative search algorithms to handle complex queries and deliver spot-on answers.
  • Our system sifts through your entire document database, no matter the size, to find the most relevant information you need.

On-Premises Hardware Solution

  • Our client chose an on-premises solution for maximum security and confidentiality.
  • This approach offers benefits like top-notch security, privacy, and customization.
  • It allows you to implement your own security and governance protocols to keep your data safe.
  • Experience a custom Knowledge Assistant fine-tuned to your specific business needs, self-learning from your data, user feedback, and usage analytics over time.

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